1 John – Complete Study Guide

The First Epistle of John (1 John), written around the end of the first century, is a letter that emphasizes the nature of the relationship between God and His children. John highlights the importance of communion with God, emphasizing that the Christian life is characterized by love, obedience, and fellowship with other believers.

The author addresses the reality of Christ’s incarnation and the need to confess Jesus as the Son of God. He emphasizes the importance of living in righteousness, loving others, and practicing truth.

1 John - Complete Study Guide

John also addresses the certainty of salvation, emphasizing that true children of God are identified by the love they demonstrate. He warns against the practice of continual sin and highlights the importance of trusting in Jesus’ redeeming work.

In summary, the First Epistle of John is a call to intimate communion with God, mutual love among believers, and the practice of righteousness, highlighting the tangible evidence of a life transformed by faith in Christ.

Check out the full study of the five chapters of 1 John: