Book of Acts – Complete Study Guide

The Book of Acts, written by Luke, is the fifth book of the New Testament and serves as a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. Dated around 80-90 AD, Acts recounts the events that followed Jesus’ resurrection, focusing mainly on the apostles’ role in the early Christian community. The book begins with Jesus’ ascension and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Book of Acts - Complete Study Guide

Acts narrates the transformative experience of Pentecost, when the apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach and bear witness. The narrative highlights the ministries of Peter and Paul, two key leaders in the spread of Christianity. Paul’s conversion, originally a persecutor of Christians, is a crucial point.

The expansion of the gospel to the Gentiles is a central theme, illustrating the universality of the Christian message. The Council of Jerusalem, described in Acts 15, clarifies the relationship between Jewish and Gentile Christians.

The book concludes with Paul under house arrest, continuing to preach and teach. Acts of the Apostles provides a panoramic view of the spread of Christianity, emphasizing the constant action of the Holy Spirit in building up the early church. This work is a bridge between the teachings of Jesus and the development of the nascent Christian community.

Below is the detailed study of all the chapters of the Acts of the Apostles: