1 Timothy – Study Guide

The First Epistle to Timothy, written by Paul around 62-63 AD, is a pastoral letter offering guidance and instruction to Timothy, his co-worker and disciple. The letter’s context is pastoral leadership and the organization of the church in Ephesus.

Paul begins by expressing his confidence in Timothy and encouraging him to stand firm in sound teaching and to confront false teachers who were spreading erroneous doctrines. He addresses practical issues related to prayer, the role of women in the church, and the qualifications of church leaders.

1 Timothy - Study Guide

The epistle highlights the importance of piety and the pursuit of justice, the need for upright leadership, and pastoral care in selecting leaders. Paul emphasizes modesty and humility as fundamental virtues for those wishing to serve in church leadership.

The letter includes personal advice to Timothy, encouraging him not to neglect the gifts given by God and to remain faithful to the pastoral calling. Paul also addresses practical issues related to missionary journeys and caring for the needy.

In summary, the First Epistle to Timothy is a letter rich in practical instructions for ecclesiastical leadership, emphasizing the importance of correct teaching, moral integrity, and zeal for the spiritual well-being of the community.

Check out detailed studies of each chapter of this Epistle: