1 Timothy 6 Explained – Chasing Riches or True Riches?

In 1 Timothy 6, the apostle Paul discusses themes such as greed, true wealth, the struggle for faith, and the importance of godliness.

Additionally, the chapter presents important exhortations regarding the dangers of heresies, the pursuit of holiness, and the responsibility of the wealthy.

Context of the Epistle to Timothy

The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy is a book of the New Testament of the Christian Bible and is part of the Pastoral Epistles. It is believed to have been written by Paul the apostle around 62-67 AD while he was imprisoned in Rome.

1 Timothy 6 Explained - Chasing Riches or True Riches?

The letter was addressed to Timothy, a young Christian leader and companion of Paul, who was in Ephesus leading the local church.

The main purpose of the letter was to instruct Timothy on how to lead the church in Ephesus and combat the influence of false teachers and heresies that were emerging in the Christian community. Paul also offers practical advice on matters such as Christian conduct, prayer, and the role of women in the church.

The historical context in which the Epistle to Timothy was written is significant for understanding the meaning of the letter and the application of Paul’s teachings to the present day.

The early church faced a series of challenges, including persecution and the threat of false teachings that sought to distort the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s letter to Timothy reflects these challenges and offers guidance on how Christians should live faithfully amidst them.

Condemnation of Greed

In chapter 6 of the First Epistle to Timothy, Paul strongly condemns greed and covetousness, emphasizing that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).

He warns that those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition (1 Timothy 6:9).

For the apostle, greed is incompatible with Christian conduct. Instead of relentlessly seeking material wealth, believers should be content with enough and practice generosity, sharing with those in need (1 Timothy 6:8).

At the same time, Paul acknowledges that the struggle against greed is constant and complex, requiring vigilance and discipline. He encourages Timothy to “flee” from these temptations and to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11).

The apostle’s teaching on greed is a call to reflect on the values and personal priorities of Christians. He reinforces the importance of contentment, generosity, and service to others as expressions of true faith.

True Wealth

In 1 Timothy 6, Paul warns against the unrestrained pursuit of material wealth and emphasizes the importance of seeking true wealth in spiritual and eternal treasures.

This means that we should focus on accumulating good works and doing good to others, rather than pursuing riches that are fleeting and often do not bring true happiness.

The pursuit of true wealth involves honoring God and serving Him wholeheartedly, as well as sharing our time, talents, and resources with the less fortunate. In this way, we can enjoy the true pleasure that comes from being a blessing to others and experiencing the satisfaction of a life well-lived.

Therefore, true wealth is not measured by the size of our bank account, but by the quality of our relationships, the good deeds we perform, and how we honor God. May we always seek this true wealth, which is eternal and lasting.

The Struggle for Faith

1 Timothy 6:12 teaches us that we should fight for faith and remain steadfast amidst adversity and temptation. Faith is a gift from God that must be cultivated and protected, requiring effort and perseverance.

Paul, in exhorting Timothy to fight for faith, was aware of the challenges that the young leader would face. Persecution, suffering, and opposition would be constant, and only a strong and unwavering faith could sustain him. Similarly, all those who wish to follow Christ must be willing to face these challenges and persevere to the end.

The struggle for faith is not a physical battle, but a spiritual one. It is a struggle against the forces of evil that seek to divert believers from the truth and weaken their faith.

It is a struggle against the temptation to give in to worldly passions and forget biblical values. It is a struggle against fear and doubt, which can cause us to lose sight of the hope we have in Christ.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”

2 Timothy 4:7

Like Paul, we must strive to overcome this struggle and keep the faith to the end. We must strengthen ourselves in the Word of God, pray without ceasing, and seek the support of the Christian community.

We must also keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who will inspire and guide us throughout our journey.

The struggle for faith is a battle worth fighting, for in it we find true life and eternal salvation in Christ. May we engage in this struggle daily, trusting in the grace and power of God to sustain us.

The Importance of Godliness

Godliness is an essential concept in the Christian life, referring to a deep and sincere commitment to God, marked by an upright and godly life. The importance of godliness can be seen in the Scriptures, which exhort Christians to be godly in all areas of life.

Godly conduct is characterized by obedience to God’s commandments, love for others, integrity, and humility. Godliness is a tangible expression of our faith in Christ and our devotion to Him.

Through godliness, we are able to cultivate a deep and meaningful spiritual life, which allows us to grow in our relationship with God and serve others effectively.

It is important to remember that godliness is not merely a religious formality, but a heart posture that should permeate all areas of our lives, including our family, professional, and community life.

Ultimately, godliness helps us to stand firm in our faith, resisting temptations and the pressures of the world. It helps us to live righteously and holy before God and men, glorifying the name of the Lord in all that we do.

Admonition Against Heresies

Paul warns Timothy against false teachings and heresies, which threaten to divert believers from the true gospel.

Heresies are beliefs contrary to biblical doctrine and present themselves as truths, undermining the faith of Christians. Those who spread such teachings often use deceptive and persuasive means of Scripture.

Paul emphasizes that the love of money is the root of many evils and warns Timothy to stay away from such teachings. He exhorts his disciple to maintain the Christian faith and ethics, combating falsehoods with biblical truth and urging false teachers to repent.

“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. […] Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called;”

1 Timothy 1:5, 6.

Believers must be careful not to be led astray by false doctrines or teachings that seek to bring personal benefits to their proclaimers. It is important to test all things in the light of the Bible and hold fast to sound doctrine.

The Call to Holiness

In the first Epistle to Timothy, Paul emphasizes the importance of striving for holiness in response to God’s call and as an expression of true faith. Holiness is a divine attribute, and God calls His followers to become holy, just as He is holy.

Seeking holiness means living according to God’s will, avoiding sin, and pursuing increasingly upright and pure conduct. This is a continuous and challenging process that requires renunciation and discipline but results in a fuller and more meaningful life.

Holiness is a distinctive mark of the Christian life and a powerful testimony to God’s transformative power. It is through the pursuit of holiness that believers draw near to God and grow in their faith, witnessing to the world the love and grace of Christ.

Eternal Life

Christian doctrine teaches that eternal life is a promise made by God to those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Salvation is attained through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, where He offered Himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Christians believe that eternal life is a life without end, free from pain, death, and sin, in communion with God and the eternal presence of Jesus. Eternal life is a gift from God, freely given to all who accept salvation through Jesus.

This promise of eternal life is a lasting hope for Christians, especially in times of suffering and affliction. Eternal life encourages us to persevere in faith, knowing that one day we will be with God forever.

In John 17:3, Jesus said, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Therefore, eternal life is closely linked to intimacy with God and a total surrender to His will.

The Responsibility of the Rich

In this passage from 1 Timothy 6, Paul instructs Timothy to teach the rich in his community about their responsibility to use their possessions to help others. Paul instructs the rich not to put their trust in the riches of this world but in God, who gives us everything we need to enjoy and share (v. 17).

Being rich in itself is not a sin, but the love of money can be a trap that leads people to covetousness, selfishness, and distancing themselves from God.

Therefore, Paul emphasizes the duty of the rich to do good, sharing their possessions generously and helping those in need (v. 18).

This is more than just a matter of charity; it is a form of worship to God, for everything we possess comes from Him, and it is our duty to be good stewards of the blessings we receive.

We can conclude, therefore, that the responsibility of the rich is not only to achieve financial success but also to use that success to help others and glorify God.

Rich Christians should understand that their possessions are a divine grant that should be used to empower the works of God’s kingdom and reach out to those in need.

Combatting Injustice

Paul emphasizes the importance of combating injustice and promoting justice in all areas of life. He instructs Timothy to urge the rich to do good and be generous in sharing their possessions with the needy.

The fight against injustice is a responsibility of all Christians, for Jesus calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Doing good to others, defending the oppressed, and supporting those who suffer are crucial attitudes in our role as representatives of God’s love and justice in the world.

Paul advises serving with genuine and sincere motivation, avoiding greed, corruption, and other unethical behaviors.

He warns that the pursuit of money leads to ruin and devastation. Instead, he encourages acquiring enough to meet basic needs and focusing on seeking spiritual treasures, which are true wealth.

To combat injustice, Paul also emphasizes the importance of piety, faith, and holiness, redirecting our attention to God and His will. It is vital to seek justice in all things and be a voice for positive change wherever we are in life.

We should not limit ourselves to seeking justice only in our personal sphere but also work to change the unjust structures and systems of society. We must advocate for the oppressed, help the needy, and tirelessly work to combat all forms of injustice and inequality.

In summary, combating injustice is an integral part of the Christian faith as we work together to build a more just and loving society.


The First Epistle of Timothy is a rich source of teachings for the Christian life, and chapter 6, in particular, brings important reflections on greed, faith, piety, holiness, eternal life, and justice.

Paul exhorts Timothy and, consequently, all Christians to seek eternal treasures over the unrestrained pursuit of material wealth.

Additionally, the apostle reminds us of the importance of Christian conduct, grounded in contentment and generosity, and warns against false teachings and heresies that can lead believers astray from the true gospel.

He also highlights the responsibility of the rich to use their possessions for the good of others and the need to combat injustice in all areas of life. Finally, he reaffirms the promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, it is essential for Christians to study and apply these teachings in their lives, seeking holiness and pleasing God in all they do.

Previous reading: 1 Timothy 5

Read all studies of 1 Timothy

Christian, father, and someone who seeks to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, I seek to study the Holy Scriptures, seeking reflection and the teachings contained in the books of the New and Old Testament. You can contact me via email: contato@evangelhos.com.
