2 John – Study Guide

The Second Epistle of John, written in the late first century, is a brief letter that highlights the importance of love and obedience in the Christian life. The author, likely the apostle John, addresses the letter to the “elect lady,” a symbolic figure for a specific Christian community.

The letter emphasizes the need to walk in truth, love one another, and obey God’s commandments. John warns against the influence of false teachers who deny the incarnation of Christ, instructing believers not to support such teachings.

2 John - Study Guide

The author underscores the intrinsic connection between love and obedience, emphasizing that loving God means following His commandments. He encourages the community to remain faithful to Christian doctrine and not to welcome into their homes those who preach false doctrines.

In summary, the Second Epistle of John is an exhortation to the Christian community to stand firm in truth, love, and obedience to God, rejecting influences that distort the essence of the Christian faith.

Read the analysis of 2 John 1.