Acts 14 – Divided Crowds, Paul and Barnabas Face Opposition

In Acts 14, we find accounts of the apostles’ journey, their miracles, the opposition they faced, and the churches they established.

This chapter provides insights into the apostles’ mission and how they spread the gospel message. It’s an example of perseverance and faith amidst the challenges faced.

Let’s delve into the details of Acts of the Apostles chapter 14, addressing the challenges faced by the apostles, the miracles performed, and also how they established churches. Join us on this journey of faith and discover how the actions of the apostles teach us important lessons to this day.

Acts 14 Study

The focus will be on a deeper study of Acts 14. Each verse will be analyzed in detail to explore the meaning behind each action of the apostles.

Acts 14 - Divided Crowds, Paul and Barnabas Face Opposition

Scholars consider this chapter as one of the most significant in Acts of the Apostles, as it narrates the persecutions and difficulties faced by the apostles in their mission.

At the beginning of the chapter, we see Paul and Barnabas preaching in Iconium and being persecuted by the Jews and Gentiles, who wanted to stone them. However, they don’t give up on the mission of preaching the gospel, going to Lystra and Derbe.

Paul performs an impressive miracle in Lystra, healing a man who was lame from birth.

Throughout the chapter, we see several examples of conflicts and persecutions faced by the apostles, along with remarkable miracles that confirm the message they preached.

A thorough analysis of these verses will help better understand how the work of the apostles influenced the formation of early Christianity.

In summary, this section will present a meticulous analysis of the verses of chapter 14 of Acts of the Apostles, delving into the meaning behind each action of the apostles, their persecutions, and conflicts.

The ultimate goal is to better understand the work of the apostles and the formation of early Christianity.

Acts of the Apostles 14 – Miracles

In Acts of the Apostles chapter 14, the apostles performed miracles that demonstrated the power of God and strengthened the faith of those who witnessed them.

An example of this was the miracle performed in Lystra, where Paul healed a man who was lame from birth, resulting in many converts to the Christian faith.

Another notable miracle was the healing of a lame man, known as the man of Lydda. Peter healed him, resulting in many being converted to Christianity.

These miracles showed that even in the face of adversity, the apostles did not hesitate to show God’s power through miracles. They witnessed the truth of the gospel and inspired many to believe in God.

Acts of the Apostles 14 – Facing Oppositions

In Acts of the Apostles chapter 14, the apostles faced various oppositions and persecutions during their mission to spread the gospel message and establish churches. Even in the face of these adversities, they persevered in their faith and continued to preach the word of God.

In Lystra, Paul healed a lame man, which caused such commotion among the local inhabitants that he ended up being mistaken for a god, along with Barnabas.

However, soon after, some Jews arrived in the city and managed to convince the crowd to stone Paul to death. The apostle was taken out of the city, but to everyone’s surprise, he got up and returned to the city to continue his mission.

Later, in Iconium, the apostles preached the word of God and performed many miracles. However, some Jews did not approve of the preaching and decided to incite persecution against them. Nevertheless, they remained steadfast in their faith and continued to establish churches.

Finally, in Derbe, after suffering persecution in Iconium, the apostles preached the gospel and established a church.

They then returned to the cities where they were persecuted and strengthened the already established churches, encouraging the faithful to remain firm in their faith, even in the face of adversity.

In summary, Acts of the Apostles chapter 14 shows how the apostles faced and overcame oppositions and persecutions during their mission to spread the gospel message. Their perseverance in the face of adversity is an example of faith and determination that inspires to this day.

Acts of the Apostles 14 – Establishing Churches

In Acts of the Apostles chapter 14, the apostles traveled to various cities, preaching the gospel and establishing churches. They shared God’s message with the local residents and formed communities of believers who gathered in the name of Jesus Christ.

The apostles not only preached the word of God but also showed how it could be applied in everyday life. They offered practical examples of love, compassion, and forgiveness, encouraging the faithful to follow in their footsteps.

Through their teachings and actions, the apostles were able to establish churches in various cities, uniting people of different backgrounds around a single faith. Their mission inspired many people to convert and follow the path of Jesus Christ.

Sharing the Gospel Message

To establish these churches, the apostles shared the gospel message in a clear and accessible manner. They used everyday examples and figures of speech to make the stories of the Bible more relevant and interesting to their audience.

The apostles also described God’s love in a way that people could understand. They described a loving and patient God who wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony with each other.

Establishing Communities of Believers

In addition to preaching the gospel, the apostles also established communities of believers around Jesus Christ. They encouraged people to gather regularly for prayer, Bible study, and mutual support.

These communities became a great support for the faithful, offering them a sense of belonging and protection. They knew they could count on each other in difficult times and that they always had a place where they would be accepted and loved.

In summary, by establishing churches in the cities they visited, the apostles created a lasting legacy of faith, love, and community. Their mission continues to inspire people around the world and to unite Christians of all backgrounds and cultures.


In Acts 14, we saw how the apostles faced various adversities during their mission, from persecutions to attempts of stoning. Nevertheless, they persevered in their faith and continued to share the gospel message, establishing churches and performing miracles along the way.

Despite the trials, the apostles remained steadfast in their mission to spread the word of God, demonstrating their courage and dedication to the divine purpose.

Acts of the Apostles chapter 14 is a powerful testimony to these efforts, and it continues to be a source of inspiration for Christians worldwide.

In short, the verses of Acts of the Apostles 14 highlight the challenges faced by the apostles in their journey, as well as the strength of their faith amidst adversity.

They are a powerful reminder of the power of the gospel and the commitment of early Christians to spread its message.

Thus, it can be concluded that Acts of the Apostles 14 is a fundamental chapter to understand the history of Christianity and the perseverance required to follow it, despite the difficulties. Its verses inspire and encourage the faithful to this day.

Previous reading: Acts 13

Next reading: Acts 15

Check out all the studies of Book of Acts

Christian, father, and someone who seeks to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, I seek to study the Holy Scriptures, seeking reflection and the teachings contained in the books of the New and Old Testament. You can contact me via email:
