Acts 20 – Journeying to Jerusalem & Warnings from the Holy Spirit

The study will be focused on Acts 20, which presents a detailed account of Paul’s journey to bid farewell to the church leaders in Ephesus. Acts of the Apostles 20 is filled with interesting events and significant doctrines that can be applied in today’s Christian life.

The study will examine each verse of this chapter, starting with Paul’s visit to Macedonia, followed by his emotional farewell speech at the church in Ephesus.

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and learning as we explore Acts of the Apostles 20 and all its precious truths.

Introduction to Chapter 20

In this section, we’ll begin the detailed study of chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles. This chapter is highly significant in the history of the early Church and offers important insights for our Christian life today.

Acts 20 - Journeying to Jerusalem & Warnings from the Holy Spirit

To fully understand this chapter, it’s crucial to establish the context and understand the key points.

Before moving forward, it’s important to highlight that Acts of the Apostles is a historical book of the New Testament that recounts the actions of the early apostles of Christ and the growth of the early Church.

Acts 20 is a crucial point in this book and should be studied carefully to grasp the richness of the narrative as a whole.

This chapter begins with Paul’s departure from Ephesus, where he had a ministry for three years, followed by a journey to Macedonia and Greece before returning to Jerusalem.

In this section, we will explore in detail the entire chapter 20, highlighting significant points for our study. By the end, we hope to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of this important chapter, which will aid us in our Christian journey.

Verses 1-6: Paul’s visit to Macedonia

In this section of Acts of the Apostles 20, Paul travels to Macedonia and meets with the disciples. He had plans to visit Greece but decides to change course to meet his followers in Macedonia.

Paul’s visit was of great importance as he met with many disciples and had the opportunity to strengthen their faith.

Verses 1-6 give us an idea of Paul’s commitment to his evangelistic mission. He doesn’t concern himself with his personal plans but prioritizes meeting his brothers and sisters in faith, which is a great example for all who seek to follow God’s will.

It’s important to note that Macedonia was a very important region for the early Christians and that Paul’s meeting with the disciples played a key role in the expansion of Christianity in the area.

This shows us how Paul’s missionary journeys were crucial for spreading the Christian message throughout the world.

The relevance of the meeting to the overall narrative

The teachings and practices established during Paul’s visit to Macedonia influenced how the early Church would develop and spread in the future. Additionally, Paul’s commitment to the evangelistic mission and strengthening the faith of his followers is an inspiring example for all who wish to follow God’s will.

Therefore, verses 1-6 of Acts of the Apostles 20 are an important passage of the biblical narrative and teach us about the importance of communion and caring for our brothers and sisters in faith, as well as the dedication needed for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

Verses 7-12: The sermon and the miracle in Troas

In this section, we’ll analyze verses 7-12 of chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles. These verses recount the sermon Paul preached in Troas, which extended until midnight, and the miracle where he raised the young man who had fallen from the third floor during the meeting.

Paul’s sermon in Troas was a significant occasion, detailed in the verses. Although many had gathered to hear Paul’s message, a young man named Eutychus fell asleep while Paul was preaching. He fell from the third floor, and everyone thought he was dead. However, Paul prayed for him, and the young man was miraculously resurrected.

This event highlights the importance of being alert and attentive to what God is saying, regardless of the time of day or circumstances.

Paul didn’t rush to end the sermon but continued preaching late into the night. God’s response was not only the resurrection of the young man but also the salvation of many other lives in Troas.

This episode offers an important reminder to Christians today not to neglect God’s message and to remain vigilant and alert in all circumstances. This helps ensure that they don’t miss the right moment to be used and blessed by God.

In summary, verses 7-12 of Acts of the Apostles 20 illustrate the urgency of the Gospel and the need to remain attentive and alert to God’s voice. Additionally, the miraculous resurrection of the young man in Troas serves as a reminder of God’s supernatural power in action.

Verses 13-16: Paul’s journey towards Assos

In this section of Acts of the Apostles 20, we follow Paul’s journey towards Assos, described in verses 13 to 16. The text tells us that after spending a few days in Troas, Paul and his companions boarded a ship to Assos.

However, Paul chose to walk there alone, while the rest of his team continued the journey by ship.

This seemingly simple passage of the chapter has a great lesson to teach us about leadership and humility. By choosing to walk alone the long distance, Paul demonstrated humility and a willingness to serve

others, allowing the other members of his team to rest and recover from the sea voyage.

Furthermore, Paul’s journey leads us to reflect on the importance of evaluating how we lead and serve others, always prioritizing the well-being of our team.

Paul identified the needs of each member of his team and acted to meet them in the best possible way, exemplifying a true Christian leader.

May we be inspired by Paul’s actions in our own Christian journey, always seeking to serve others humbly and exemplifying fundamental Christian values such as love and compassion.

Verses 17-38: Paul’s farewell speech to the elders of Ephesus

In these verses of Acts of the Apostles 20, Paul bids farewell to the elders of the church in Ephesus, delivering an emotional speech of encouragement and advice.

He speaks about how he has diligently worked to proclaim the gospel and how he has faced challenges and persecutions in his ministry.

Paul also expresses concern for the well-being of the church after his departure, encouraging the elders to care for one another and to remain steadfast in the faith. He recalls the words of Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (v. 35) and reinforces the importance of helping those in need.

Paul’s advice and words of encouragement are significant for believers today. His speech highlights the importance of faithful and persevering ministry, as well as the need to care for the members of the church, especially those in need of help.

Practical applications of the teachings in Acts of the Apostles 20

The teachings present in Acts of the Apostles 20 have great applicability in the Christian life and in the daily activities of Christ’s followers. Studying this chapter allows believers to understand biblical practices and apply them in their routines.

Paul performs several important acts throughout the entire chapter. His actions inspire Christians to follow in his footsteps and experience the Word of God in everyday life. Some of the key teachings that can be applied in daily life include:

  • The importance of preaching the Word of God with courage and clarity;
  • The power of prayer and worship in community;
  • The need to be an example to others in a humble and loving manner;
  • The importance of valuing life and the health of the body and mind;
  • The priority of living according to the will of God and following His commandments.

These teachings can be applied both in the Christian environment and in other aspects of daily life, such as work, family, and relationships. They are valuable for those seeking a more integral life and are willing to follow the teachings left by Paul as an example of resilience, courage, and faith.

Through the study of Acts of the Apostles 20, believers can better understand the nature of Christian ministry and leadership, considering positive and negative biblical examples.

It is possible to learn how to apply these teachings in their own ministry and leadership, maintaining integrity and love in their actions.

In general, the study and reflection on the teachings of Acts of the Apostles 20 are fundamental for an authentic and practical Christian life. Each teaching present in this chapter can inspire and transform the lives of believers, whether in spiritual or everyday contexts.

Lessons on leadership and ministry in Acts of the Apostles 20

In this section, we will explore some of the valuable lessons on leadership and ministry that we can learn from chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles. Paul is a clear example of a leader and minister of Christ, and in Acts 20, he leaves us several important lessons that transcend time and culture.

One of the main lessons we can extract from this chapter is the importance of lifestyle modeling. Paul not only taught his disciples about Christ, but he also guided them with his humble, courageous, and selfless lifestyle.

Christian leadership should be decentralized from ego and based on a personal commitment to Christ and His kingdom.

Moreover, we see in Acts 20 that Christian leadership should also be focused on others. Paul’s responsibility to his disciples and the congregation in Ephesus was evident in his speech, where he showed concern and faithful love while urging them to be responsible and loyal pastors.

Another important lesson we can extract from this chapter is humility. Paul recognized that he was only a servant of Christ and that the leadership responsibility he had was a privilege entrusted to him. He did not use his leadership as a means to exercise power or control over those under his responsibility.

Instead, he was willing to serve and sacrifice on behalf of those he led.

These and other relevant lessons on leadership and ministry can be extracted from chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles.

It is important to apply these lessons in our own lives and strive to be faithful and authentic Christian leaders who model our lives after Christ and dedicate ourselves to the well-being of others.

Examples of courage and faith in Acts of the Apostles 20

Chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles is rich in examples of courage and faith that can inspire Christians today. One of the main examples is Paul himself, who was not shaken by persecutions and difficulties in his missionary journey.

Even in the face of the possibility of suffering and death, Paul remained firm in his commitment to the gospel and courageously continued preaching the Word of God.

Another inspiring example is that of the disciples in Troas, who persevered in worship even after a long preaching by Paul that extended until midnight.

Despite tiredness and adverse circumstances, they remained focused on their worship of God and were rewarded with the miracle of the resurrection of the young man Eutychus.

These and other examples remind us that courage and faith are fundamental to the Christian life. When facing challenges, persecutions, and difficulties, we need to remain firm in our confidence in God and His teachings.

May we follow the example of these heroes of faith and live a life of courage and boldness for the Kingdom of God.

Final reflections on Acts of the Apostles 20

In this final section, it’s time to reflect on everything that has been studied so far in Acts of the Apostles 20. Paul undertook many missionary journeys in his life, but this particular chapter contains a series of striking events that left valuable lessons for the Christian Church.

Firstly, it’s important to highlight Paul’s emphasis on the importance of preaching the Word of God. By spending hours teaching and preaching in Troas, Paul made it clear that his priority was to share the gospel with as many people as possible. This lesson remains valid today, in a world undergoing such change and uncertainty.

Another important lesson that can be drawn from chapter 20 of Acts of the Apostles concerns humble and loving leadership. Paul, even though one of the greatest apostles of Christ, was not ashamed to serve and encourage his brothers and sisters in Christ. This example can inspire us to be compassionate and caring leaders, concerned with the well-being of others.

Moreover, Paul’s farewell speech in Acts of the Apostles 20 contains many words of encouragement and exhortation for believers. These words still resonate in our hearts today, showing us the importance of remaining faithful, persevering, and active in our walk with God.

Ultimately, the study of Acts of the Apostles 20 reminds us of the centrality of Christ in the Christian life. Paul proclaimed the gospel throughout the known world at the time, and his example can inspire us to do the same.

May we learn from the lessons of Acts of the Apostles 20 and put them into practice in our own lives, for the glory of God.

Additional resources for further study in Acts of the Apostles 20

For those who wish to continue with a deeper study of Acts of the Apostles 20, there are many useful resources available.

An excellent place to start is with an online Bible concordance search, such as Strong’s Concordance, which can be used to find all occurrences of a specific word or phrase in Acts of the Apostles 20.

This can help extract important information and understand the context in which a particular word or phrase is used in the chapter.

Another option is to seek out Bible studies and commentaries on Acts of the Apostles 20 in Christian bookstores and reliable online sites. Many of these materials offer detailed interpretations and comments on the chapter, helping to clarify any doubts and deepen understanding.

Additionally, many pastors and Christian leaders offer Bible study courses or sermons on Acts of the Apostles 20 in their local churches. These options provide an opportunity to discuss and apply the teachings of the chapter with other believers in community.

Keep in mind that, regardless of the chosen method, it is always important to pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit when delving into deeper Bible studies. May the quest for understanding in Acts of the Apostles 20 bring us closer to God and His purpose for our lives.


In this final section, we conclude our study of Acts of the Apostles 20. Throughout this article, we have explored the depth of this chapter and highlighted its main lessons and teachings for the Christian life.

Paul’s visit to Macedonia, the sermon in Troas, the journey towards Assos, and Paul’s farewell speech to the elders of Ephesus provided valuable insights into leadership, courage, and faith. We also reflected on the practical applications of these teachings in our daily lives and in our ministry for the Kingdom of God.

We hope this study has been enlightening and inspiring for your Christian journey. Always remember the importance of studying the Word of God and applying it in your life. Acts of the Apostles 20 is a fundamental chapter in the biblical narrative and deserves our attention and reflection.

If you wish to delve even deeper into this chapter, we recommend consulting the additional resources we have provided. And above all, continue seeking God and allowing His Word to transform your life.

Previous reading: Acts 19

Next reading: Acts 21

Check out all the studies of Book of Acts

Christian, father, and someone who seeks to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, I seek to study the Holy Scriptures, seeking reflection and the teachings contained in the books of the New and Old Testament. You can contact me via email:
