Exodus 21 Study – The Book of Covenant and Israelite Law

Exodus 21 is a chapter from the Bible that contains laws and social principles that were applied in ancient society.

To better understand the context in which these laws and social principles were written, it’s important to know the historical background in which they were created.

Additionally, we’ll discuss the social implications of these laws and principles on people’s lives during that period. From slavery to property protection, Exodus 21 offers insight into social issues in antiquity.

Historical Context of Exodus 21

Before diving into the details of Exodus 21, it is essential to understand the historical context in which it was written.

Exodus 21 Study - The Book of Covenant and Israelite Law

This chapter is part of the law codes that make up the Torah, and it is considered an important source for studying the laws and customs of the Hebrew people during the Old Testament period.

Exodus 21 reflects the values and social norms that were common at that time, closely tied to the daily life and organization of ancient society.

To better comprehend this context, we need to keep in mind that the Hebrew people during this period lived in an agricultural-pastoral society, heavily influenced by patriarchy and a well-defined caste system.

Slavery was a common practice, as were violence and discrimination against women and foreigners.

It is important to note that the purpose of this study is not to justify or validate these practices but to understand how they developed and the impact they had on society at that time.

Overview of Exodus 21

The chapter of Exodus 21 brings laws and principles that governed ancient society. Its content is divided into various sections, covering topics such as slavery, marriage, and civil responsibility, among others.

Moreover, the structure of this chapter is organized as a code, listing various situations and applying the corresponding laws to each.

While some of these laws might seem strange to contemporary eyes, it is important to remember that they were written in a specific historical context and should be understood within that context.

By analyzing the overall view of Exodus 21, one can better understand the Bible’s approach to social and moral issues.

A detailed analysis of each of these laws and their application in ancient society allows us to understand the complexity of the ancient world and its influence on the modern world.

Introduction to Social Laws and Principles in Exodus 21

Exodus 21 presents various social laws and principles established at the time it was written.

In that historical context, it was common for societies to establish rules for social coexistence to ensure that relationships between individuals occurred in a fair and peaceful manner.

In this section of the article, these laws and principles will be explored, including issues such as slavery, property, compensation for damages, and others. It is important to note that many of these laws are obsolete and do not apply to current times.

However, their historical analysis is essential to understand the development of past societies and their influence on the present.

Throughout the text, the meanings of the laws and social principles presented in Exodus 21 will be discussed, as well as their implications for people’s lives in antiquity.

Analysis of the First Verses of Exodus 21

The first verses of chapter Exodus 21 contain laws and guidelines intended to regulate the treatment of slaves and servants by Hebrew society. This part of the Bible, therefore, is fundamental to understanding the customs and social relations of ancient Israelite peoples.

The passage begins by stating that if a Hebrew slave were bought by another Hebrew, he should serve for six years and be freed in the seventh year without any burden. The owner then should provide him with supplies to help him start anew.

However, if the slave chose to continue serving the master, his ear would be pierced with an awl to signal his voluntary desire to remain a servant.

Next, the text discusses the case of a Hebrew slave woman who marries the owner. In this case, she could not be sold as a slave and was guaranteed material and moral support.

It is important to note that despite the topic of slavery, the guidelines presented in the analyzed verses aim to protect the dignity and integrity of those affected.

In summary, it can be interpreted that the intention of the first verses of Exodus 21 is to protect the rights of Hebrew slaves and servants, as well as to regulate labor and social relations within the Hebrew community.

Social Implications of Exodus 21

The chapter of Exodus 21 provides a series of laws and principles that were applied in the society of that time. These laws and principles aimed to regulate relationships between people and establish limits for community coexistence.

At that time, life in society was very different from what we know today. People lived in tribes and clans, and the laws and principles were based on traditions and religious beliefs.

Thus, the laws and principles in Exodus 21 played a fundamental role in the organization of society.

One of the most important principles in Exodus 21 is equality before the law. All people were equal before the law, regardless of their social position. This meant that everyone had the same rights and duties and that all people were protected by the law.

Another important principle in Exodus 21 is justice. The laws were applied fairly and impartially, and punishments were proportional to the crimes committed. Furthermore, it was important for people to act with honesty and justice and not harm the weaker ones.

These laws and principles in Exodus 21 played a fundamental role in the society of that time, helping to establish order and harmony among people.

Even today, the lessons and teachings of Exodus 21 can be applied to our daily lives, teaching us about the importance of equality, justice, and honesty.

Case Study: Slavery in Exodus 21

Exodus 21 is a chapter in the Bible that contains various laws and social principles applied in antiquity, which also address slavery.

Slavery at that time was seen differently from how we view it today, and therefore, it is important to study its laws and social implications.

In this section, the laws related to slavery in Exodus 21 and their application in that society will be examined more closely. Additionally, the main discussion points on the subject and how it is interpreted today will be presented.

Contemporary Applications of Exodus 21

Although it is an ancient text, Exodus 21 contains laws and principles that can still be relevant today. A contemporary interpretation of these precepts can help us understand how to apply them in our society.

For example, the passage that says “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” (Exodus 21:24) can be interpreted as punitive justice, which exists in many modern societies.

However, it can also be seen as restorative justice, where the goal is to restore peace and harmony between the parties involved in a conflict.

Moreover, the chapter of Exodus 21 addresses issues such as the treatment of slaves and the protection of the most vulnerable in society. These themes are still relevant today and raise important questions about human rights and social justice.

Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate and adapt these ancient teachings to the current context, without losing sight of their foundational values.

In doing so, we can build a fairer and more humane society that values and respects life in all its fullness.

Other Aspects of Exodus 21

In addition to the laws and social principles, the chapter of Exodus 21 also presents other important aspects of life in antiquity. Among these aspects are the responsibility of the owner of an ox or a donkey if it causes harm to another person and how to deal with cases of bodily injuries.

Another point highlighted in the chapter is the man’s responsibility to pay compensation if he causes a pregnant woman to lose her fetus. This demonstrates the importance given to preserving life in an era when mortality rates were high.

Although some of the practices and customs reported in Exodus 21 might seem strange or outdated today, it is important to remember that they reflected the reality of life at that time and help us understand how ancient societies functioned.

Analysis of the Last Verses of Exodus 21

The last verses of Exodus 21 refer to the treatment of animals by humans. The text states that if someone injures a servant’s eye or a maid’s tooth, they must be set free as compensation.

However, if an animal injures another animal’s eye, the owner of the guilty animal must pay compensation.

These verses present a view of the Bible regarding the relationship between humans and animals. The text emphasizes that animals are living beings that deserve respect and consideration, just like humans.

For this reason, the laws established in Exodus 21 seek to protect the physical integrity of all living beings.

This view of Exodus 21 remains relevant today, especially when it comes to animal protection and environmental conservation. After all, as humans, we have the responsibility to care for and protect all forms of life that coexist on our planet.

Final Reflections on Exodus 21

The analysis of the chapter of Exodus 21 leads us to reflect on ancient society and how its laws and social principles shaped people’s lives in antiquity. Although many of these laws do not directly apply today, the underlying principles can still hold value.

For example, the laws on slavery in Exodus 21 can be seen as outdated and unacceptable by modern standards.

However, the attention given to the basic rights of slaves, such as protection against abuse and severe injuries, can be seen as a precursor to modern human rights.

Additionally, the emphasis on just consequences for crimes and the protection of vulnerable groups, such as widows and orphans, can also be considered relevant today.

Overall, the chapter of Exodus 21 can inspire us to reflect on important issues of social justice and human rights.


Exodus 21 is a chapter of the Bible that presents laws and social principles applied in antiquity. Throughout this study, various aspects of the chapter were explored, such as the historical context, structure, social implications, and contemporary applications.

The first and last verses were analyzed, as well as the laws related to slavery. Other relevant aspects of life in antiquity, present in the text, were also discussed.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that although Exodus 21 is an ancient text, it is still possible to extract valuable lessons for today. Reflecting on the contemporary application of these laws and principles can be useful for understanding today’s society.

Thus, it is concluded that Exodus 21 is a chapter rich in content and meaning, deserving careful study and analysis to better understand the roots of the society in which we live.

Previous reading: Exodus 20

Next reading: Exodus 22

See all Exodus studies

Christian, father, and someone who seeks to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, I seek to study the Holy Scriptures, seeking reflection and the teachings contained in the books of the New and Old Testament. You can contact me via email: contato@evangelhos.com.
