Galatians – Complete Study Guide

The Epistle to the Galatians, written by Paul, is a passionate and forceful letter addressed to the Christian communities in the region of Galatia. Dating around 48-55 AD, the letter deals with the threat of false teachings and the distortion of the Gospel that were influencing these communities.

Galatians - Complete Study Guide

The central theme of Galatians is justification by faith in Jesus Christ, contrasted with the legalistic observance of the Jewish Law. Paul vigorously defends freedom in Christ, explaining that faith, not works of the Law, is the means of salvation. He illustrates this using examples from biblical history, such as Abraham, to demonstrate that justification has always been by faith.

The letter also emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, highlighting the transformation that occurs when living in freedom under grace. Paul warns against returning to the slavery of the Law and encourages the Galatians to live in love and unity.

By confronting false doctrine and defending the essence of the Gospel, Paul expresses his indignation and exhorts the Galatians to stand firm in the liberating faith of Christ. Galatians is therefore a powerful exhortation to freedom in Christ, reinforcing the centrality of faith and grace in the Christian life.

Below is a comprehensive study of each chapter of Galatians: