Hebrews – Complete Study Guide

The Epistle to the Hebrews, whose author is not explicitly identified, is a profound theological letter that highlights the superiority of Jesus Christ over the old systems of sacrifices and priesthood. Written probably between 60-70 AD, it was addressed to a community of Jewish Christians familiar with the Old Testament.

The author vigorously argues that Jesus is the supreme high priest and the mediator of a new and superior covenant. He emphasizes how Jesus fulfills and exceeds the rituals and figures of the Old Testament, bringing about a more complete redemption.

Hebrews - Study Guide

The epistle highlights faith as a crucial foundation for the Christian life, using a gallery of Old Testament faith heroes. The author encourages perseverance and warns against drifting away from faith in Christ.

Hebrews offers a rich theological understanding of Jesus’s salvific work, highlighting his divinity, his incarnation, and his sacrificial work on the cross. This letter is a profound exploration of the Christian faith, focusing on the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ in all things.

Check out the full study of all chapters of Hebrews: