Hebrews 7 Explained – Beyond the Old Covenant

Chapter 7 of the book of Hebrews is one of the deepest and most theologically rich chapters in the Bible. We will examine the meaning of Hebrews 7 and its impact on understanding the Christian faith.

Through an analysis of the verses and an in-depth study, we will discover the message the author intended to convey to the Christians of his time, and how we can apply it in our lives in the current context.

So, let’s delve into Hebrews 7 and explore its teachings with an open mind and a heart willing to learn.

Authorship of the book of Hebrews

When it comes to the authorship of the book of Hebrews, there is controversy among scholars. Some argue that the apostle Paul was the author, while others argue that it was written by one of Paul’s disciples or another unknown author.

Hebrews 7 Explained - Beyond the Old Covenant

Despite the lack of consensus, understanding the possible authorship of the book of Hebrews can help better contextualize the teachings presented in chapter 7. Therefore, it is important to take this discussion into consideration when studying the biblical text.

Historical context

Chapter 7 of Hebrews was written in a specific historical context, which influenced the teachings presented. This context includes the period following the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, when many Jewish Christians were struggling to understand their religious identity.

Some scholars believe that the author of Hebrews wrote to encourage believers to stand firm in their Christian faith, offering compelling arguments that Jesus is the perfect high priest and that his sacrifice is sufficient for salvation.

Others point out that the historical context also includes influences from Hellenistic Judaism, which valued philosophy and reason, and which can be seen in the arguments and logic presented in chapter 7.

Understanding the historical context in which Hebrews 7 was written is fundamental for a proper interpretation of this chapter and for a broader understanding of the Christian faith.

The priesthood of Melchizedek

The priesthood of Melchizedek is a central theme of chapter 7 of Hebrews. To understand the importance of this subject, it is necessary to delve into the verses that address this topic.

According to the author of Hebrews, Melchizedek was a priest of God and a giver of tithes, who preceded the institution of the Levitical priesthood.

Furthermore, chapter 7 also draws a comparison between Melchizedek and Jesus as eternal priests who were not ordained by the law of Moses.

This comparison contrasts the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood with the Levitical priesthood and shows how the offering presented by Melchizedek was a prophetic figure that pointed to the redemptive work of Christ.

Therefore, understanding the priesthood of Melchizedek is fundamental to understanding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and the importance of Jesus’ redemptive work for the salvation of mankind.

Jesus as high priest

In chapter 7 of Hebrews, Jesus is highlighted as the perfect high priest, capable of interceding for the sins of humanity definitively. This representation brings comfort and hope to faithful Christians, as it shows that there is no need for frequent sacrifices as in the old Levitical system.

Jesus, as high priest, offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity, once and for all. This act demonstrated his deep compassion and love for humanity, while fulfilling ancient prophecies and religious traditions.

Furthermore, understanding Jesus as high priest has significant implications for the lives of believers. This means that we can approach God with confidence and security, knowing that we have a perfect intercessor and that our prayers are heard and answered.

The figure of Jesus as high priest also suggests that he has supreme authority and power as a mediator between God and humanity. This understanding can be a source of strength and encouragement for those facing difficulties and challenges in life.

In summary, the representation of Jesus as the perfect high priest has been a source of comfort and hope for Christians throughout the centuries, highlighting God’s deep compassion and love for humanity and the significant role of Jesus as the perfect mediator.

The superiority of Jesus’ priesthood

Chapter 7 of Hebrews highlights the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood over the Levitical priesthood. According to the author, Jesus is a superior priest for several reasons, including the fact that he is an eternal priest.

He does not need to offer constant sacrifices like the Levitical priests, for he offered a sacrifice once for all when he surrendered himself on the cross for the sins of humanity.

Furthermore, Jesus is superior to the Levitical priests because he is perfect and without sin. While the Levitical priests had to offer sacrifices for their own sins before offering for the sins of the people, Jesus did not need to do so, for he had no sin.

This makes him a perfect mediator between God and men.

Another reason that gives superiority to Jesus’ priesthood is that he is the Son of God and not just a priest of a specific tribe or family. This means that his priesthood is universal and not restricted to just one people or nation. He is the high priest of all who believe in him as Lord and Savior.

This understanding of the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood has broad implications for the Christian faith. It means that there is no longer a need for constant sacrifices for the redemption of sins.

Jesus offered the perfect and sufficient sacrifice, and those who believe in him have access to forgiveness of their sins and reconciliation with God. This also means that there is no longer a need for intermediary priests between God and men, for Jesus is the only mediator needed.

The eternal nature of Jesus’ priesthood

Chapter 7 of Hebrews highlights one of the most important aspects of Jesus’ priesthood: its eternal nature. This means that Jesus is the perfect high priest who intercedes for us continuously and permanently.

Unlike the Levitical priests, who died and needed to be replaced after their death, Jesus lives forever and exercises his priesthood uninterruptedly.

This understanding is fundamental to the Christian faith, for it presents us with the certainty that we can approach God at any time, through Jesus.

Furthermore, Jesus does not need to offer sacrifices repeatedly for our sins, as the Levitical priests did. He has already offered the perfect sacrifice once and for all on the cross, guaranteeing our salvation.

Therefore, the eternal nature of Jesus’ priesthood gives us the assurance that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. We need not fear or doubt our salvation, for it has been guaranteed by Jesus himself, the high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.

The relationship between law and faith

Chapter 7 of Hebrews presents an approach to the relationship between law and the Christian faith. The verses show that the law, though important, cannot save man. It is a means to have knowledge of sin, but it cannot remove it.

Faith in Jesus Christ, on the other hand, brings salvation and grants direct access to God.

To understand the relationship between law and faith, it is necessary to understand that the law is an essential part of God’s revelation, but it cannot save man. Salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ, who is the only way to eternal life.

Therefore, the law and faith are not antagonistic, but complementary. The law points to the need for God’s grace, and faith leads us to salvation.

Therefore, it is evident that the essence of the Christian faith lies in the expiatory work of Jesus Christ, who consummated the definitive sacrifice and brought salvation to all who believe.

This understanding of the relationship between law and the Christian faith has profound implications for the life of the believer. It reminds us that our justification and sanctification depend solely on the work of Jesus Christ, and not on our own works.

It also teaches us that we need to obey God’s law as an expression of our faith and gratitude for all that He has done for us.

The meaning of Melchizedek’s offering

In chapter 7 of Hebrews, Melchizedek is presented as a very significant character, mainly because of the offering he made to God. This offering is an important theme in the chapter because it brings forth reflections on Christ’s sacrifice.

Melchizedek’s offering was a representation of the perfect sacrifice that Christ would make centuries later.

Melchizedek offered bread and wine to Abraham in Genesis 14:18, and the Bible says he was a “priest of God Most High.” This offering was significant because it emphasized the importance of offering to God the very best.

Moreover, Genesis 14:20 indicates that Melchizedek blessed Abraham, showing that he was an intermediary between God and man.

In chapter 7 of Hebrews, Melchizedek’s offering is seen as an analogy of Christ’s sacrifice. When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He used bread and wine to represent His body and blood that would be offered in sacrifice.

Just as Melchizedek’s offering, Christ’s death brought salvation and blessing to God’s people.

Therefore, the significance of Melchizedek’s offering is so important because it points to the figure of Christ and the salvation He brings to those who believe in Him.

Melchizedek’s offering is a powerful illustration of God’s grace manifested in Jesus Christ, our high priest and perfect sacrifice.

The importance of the Melchizedekian priesthood

The priesthood of Melchizedek is an important figure in understanding the Christian faith, both in the Old and New Testaments. According to Hebrews 7, Jesus is the high priest and eternal king according to the order of Melchizedek, surpassing the Levitical priesthood.

The importance of this priesthood lies in its eternal nature and how it points to the superiority of Christ. It is a symbol of a priesthood that does not require earthly succession and that is entirely sufficient for the salvation of believers.

This understanding is essential for the lives of believers because it nurtures the hope that they have a high priest who can intercede for them before God and who will never cease to do so.

Practical applications for believers

Chapter 7 of Hebrews contains relevant and applicable teachings for the lives of believers. One of the main lessons to be learned is the importance of Jesus’ priesthood and its superiority over the Levitical priesthood.

This knowledge can inspire believers to fully trust in Jesus as their only true high priest.

Furthermore, chapter 7 of Hebrews teaches about the eternity of Jesus’ priesthood, reminding us of the promise of eternal salvation through Him. This can encourage us to look beyond earthly circumstances and fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Another practical application can be found in the relationship between law and faith. Chapter 7 of Hebrews helps us understand that faith in Jesus is more important than any practice of the law, which cannot save us.

This can motivate us to live a life centered on Jesus and His grace, instead of trying to obey all the laws around us.

Finally, Melchizedek’s offering presents us with a practical lesson about the nature of gratitude and worship. By considering Melchizedek’s offering, we can be inspired to offer our sacrifices of gratitude and worship to God at all times, in all circumstances.

In summary, chapter 7 of Hebrews offers valuable lessons that are applicable to the lives of believers even today. By reflecting on these teachings and seeking to understand their relevance to our lives, we can grow in faith and become more like Christ.


In concluding the analysis of Hebrews chapter 7, it is possible to understand the importance of this text for Christian theology.

Through the exploration of Melchizedek’s priesthood and the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood, important aspects of the divine nature and the relationship between law and the Christian faith can be glimpsed.

Furthermore, the practical applications offered by the chapter are relevant to the lives of believers, providing guidance and inspiration for the practice of faith in everyday life.

In summary, the study and analysis of the verses of Hebrews 7 can contribute significantly to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the Christian faith, as well as to a more authentic and meaningful living out of that same faith.

Previous reading: Hebrews 6

Next reading: Hebrews 8

See all studies of Hebrews.

Christian, father, and someone who seeks to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here, I seek to study the Holy Scriptures, seeking reflection and the teachings contained in the books of the New and Old Testament. You can contact me via email: contato@evangelhos.com.
