Jude – Study Guide

The Epistle of Jude, written in the late first century, is a brief and intense letter that warns against false teachers and exhorts believers to stand firm in the faith. The author, identified as Jude, the brother of James, addresses the letter to Christian communities facing threats of heretical teachings and immoral behavior.

Jude warns against those who distort the grace of God and deny the authority of Jesus Christ. He uses examples from the Old Testament to illustrate the inevitability of divine judgment upon the ungodly.

Jude - Study Guide

The letter also emphasizes the importance of prayer, sanctification, and brotherly love in the Christian life. Jude concludes his letter by encouraging believers to remain secure in God’s grace and resist the corrupt influences around them.

In summary, the Epistle of Jude is a passionate exhortation against false doctrine and immorality, calling believers to remain faithful to the truth of the Gospel amidst challenges and threats.

Check out the study of Jude 1.