Leviticus – Study Guide

The Book of Leviticus, the third book of the Bible, details the ritual and ceremonial laws given by God to the Israelites, primarily focusing on the duties of the Levite priests. Written around the 15th century BCE, the book addresses issues of ritual purity, sacrifices, religious festivals, and the role of the priests in mediating between God and the people.

Leviticus - Study Guide

Leviticus sets high standards of holiness, guiding the Israelites to live in a way that reflects separation for God. It provides detailed instructions on various rituals, including the Day of Atonement and sacrificial offerings.

Additionally, the book highlights the importance of compassion and social justice, emphasizing the proper treatment of the poor and foreigners. Leviticus serves as a practical expression of the covenant between God and Israel, outlining how the people should relate to the sacred and to one another.

Check out a detailed study of all the chapters of the book of Leviticus: