Philemon – Study Guide

The Epistle to Philemon, written by Paul, is a brief and personal letter addressed to Philemon, a wealthy Christian from Colossae. The context of the letter involves a runaway slave named Onesimus, whom Paul encountered in prison.

Paul, now also a prisoner, writes to Philemon to intercede for Onesimus, asking him to receive him back not only as a slave but as a beloved brother.

Paul employs his persuasive ability to encourage Philemon to forgive Onesimus and treat him with dignity, emphasizing that now he is more than a slave, he is a brother in Christ. This letter reflects Pauline teachings on equality in Christ and the radical transformation that the Gospel can bring about in social relations.

Though a brief letter, the Epistle to Philemon provides a unique insight into Christian compassion in action, demonstrating how faith in Christ can transcend social barriers and transform human relationships in profound and meaningful ways.

Check out the full study of the letter to Philemon: