Titus – Study Guide

The Epistle to Titus, written by Paul around 63-66 AD, is a pastoral letter addressed to Titus, a Christian collaborator and leader in Crete. In this context, Paul instructs Titus on the organization of the church and the promotion of a healthy Christian life within the community.

Paul emphasizes the importance of integrity in leadership and presents specific criteria for the selection of elders. He stresses the need for solid teaching and firm reproof against those who promote false doctrines.

Titus - Study Guide

The letter highlights God’s grace as the foundation of salvation and underscores the inner transformation it brings. Paul exhorts believers to live godly lives characterized by good conduct, humility, and mutual love.

Paul also addresses practical issues related to obedience to authorities, the pursuit of unity within the community, and selfless service. He encourages Titus to maintain a balanced firmness in discipline and to teach believers to practice good deeds.

In summary, the Epistle to Titus offers practical pastoral guidance for church leadership, highlighting the importance of doctrinal truth, Christian ethics, and the mission of building a cohesive community committed to the practice of the Gospel.

Below are the complete studies of all chapters of the letter to Titus: